Why Wildlife Corridors are Critical to Our Wildlife’s Survival

Why Wildlife Corridors are Critical to Our Wildlife’s Survival

A wildlife corridor. Now, what might that be? We have to admit, we haven’t thought much about them until recently. It goes back to the silly joke “why does the chicken cross the road?” The answer: “to get to the other side”. But what if there is a major highway in the way? It might not be able to cross at all or it might get smushed while crossing. Uh oh. Not good.

Two Best Trees For Wildlife

Two Best Trees For Wildlife

Who would have thought oak trees support more wildlife than any other tree. I know it came as a surprise to us. Trees and wildlife. We never really thought about the connection until we started learning how to help wildlife on our 3-acre homestead. And what we learned? Hundreds of animals count on trees to help them survive.

Benefits of Bogs

Benefits of Bogs

Have you ever slogged a bog (a new term we made up to describe walking through a bog)? If not, you have missed a unique, very fun experience to learn about the benefits of bogs. They are one of the most important and oldest (some are thousands of years old) ecosystems on our planet. Yet very few of us have actually experienced being in one.