Champions for Wildlife

Help our kids become champions in protecting wildlife and habitat. Not tomorrow, but today.
By supporting our unique wildlife education programs using art, you help empower our children to become better stewards of our planet.
Our Impact with Your Help!
Wildlife Education & Art

Imagine kids buzzing with excitement as they learn about the magic of pollinators or delve into the mysteries of hellbender salamanders. Or howl with Red Wolves, fly like bats or design gardens with native plants, all with an art activity.

Getting kids outside nurtures their curiosity and wonder. Project-based learning with questions like “How can we improve the habitat at our school for pollinators?” resulted in a garden being designed and planted by the kids. Learn more about wildlife education programs.

Children love being challenged in our art programs to use their creativity to depict wildlife. Volunteer to help with classroom art projects or as an advisor on communications, social media and lots more.
Featured Underdogs

Curious about the wildlife our kids learn about. The more you learn, the more you love, the more you protect!

Red Wolves


