Dusty Dignity

Dusty Dignity

WE LOVE RHINOS From the artist, Dale Weiler: This piece is part of my Petroglyphic Paradigm Series. As was the case in all the pieces in this series, my first glimpse of this beautiful beast was as a two-dimensional petroglyph on the back of the stone. The bas-relief...
Owl Art: Hallowed Ground

Owl Art: Hallowed Ground

LOTI AND I LOVE OWLS! Loti and I love owls! And owl art helps us connect with the raptors. They have a mysterious quality about them and are most active at night which adds to their allure. The exception to this behavior is the burrowing owl, which is more active...
Fractured Existence

Fractured Existence

OUR LARGEST LAND MAMMAL Being the largest land mammal, you would think that the elephant would not be in danger of disappearing. Well, think again. There are three species of elephants, two in Africa and one in Asia. The IUCN currently lists both African species as...